This is a phase in which I just keep rampling some stuff and vomit it on relevant outlets. This is one such puke full of feelings.
Being yourself is tough, you spend a lifetime trying to understand and sometimes make yourself better than who you were yesterday. I spent a lot of time on this specific question over the last few months and am still pretty clueless. I like the social brouhaha around me, it kinda distracts me from the other things but also makes me think.. maybe I do really like it...
Coming back to why I am writing this: Death.
We generally have a very singular view of death which is associated with someone ceasing to exist. I wanted t write passing onto another realm but I don't truly believe in death as a comma but treat it more as a full stop. A full stop after which there might be a blank piece of paper but no words but just meaningless canvas which radiates the feeling of 'what could have been'. Anyway, I have been very lucky have faced any death 2nd hand (I call it 2nd hand because 1st hand would be me and I wouldn't be writing this if I were dead. Sigh. Logic.). What I have seen in this limited lifespan is 3rd hand death where a friend faces a 2nd hand death and their emotions, feelings and experiences get passed onto me. 3rd hand in the general sense of death.
However, I feel that there is more to the concept of death (and not death itself). For example: In context of a friendship or a relationship, when you end things knowingly/unknowingly then it is death. Which is the kind of 2nd hand experience I have faced. Many relationships which died and left the paper which could have been filled with stories, unscathed. When relationships die, we sometimes are asked to not mourn for them or take our time or 'get out there' to find new partners and new friends but that's not what you say when a parent dies? Or a sibling or a dog? Why not? why restrict the idea and centre it around human life and not what enriches human life. Companionship.
Maybe give relationships more value, buy more gifts, do more things, show more kindness and love, prepare stuff for their birthdays, tell them that you love them more often, mean it more often too. Do all of this and maybe it will help us save more of what we have and what matters? I don't know and I am not an expert but well... this is what I learnt today.
Do more, be better, love people around you. Avoid deaths. Save life.
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